Friday, 7 November 2008
The art negotiations
2 days ago I went to one of the companies construction sites, they were buying steel for the constructions, and I witnessed something I did not expect, a lot of negotiations about the fee of the Bulldozer (I will refer to it as the Earth Moving Machine because this machine is more scary than anyone can imagine)
There was the Lorry carrying the steel, a Bulldozer to load and unload the steel, lots of men.
The way that I can analyze the situation was
the Earth Moving Machine (EMM) owner got a huge point of strength which was he is the only one that can make us all end the day and go to our homes
The Building owner has a point of strength but it is not so effective which is his money, it is a little bit complicated, he has to pay for the Lorry which is carrying the steel and for the men standing, any extra time will be cause anger to arouse specially to the lorry driver who has been there all day long loading the steel
Now the EEM owner is greedy and he is requiring more money for the delay and the change in position (of course the unloading was in a different location) so he started out with 650
On the other hand the guy with the money started out with 175 as he said that the time the EEM worked was only 2 1/2 hours * 70 equals LE 175
Now there was the real beuty of the whole situation
when you look at it from an outsider point of view you would immediatly say that is not fair (and that is what I said) he has been with you for 4 1/2 hours and that is how you should pay them... but I did not speak, and just observed what was happening
after a while they said that for the unloading of the steel they will give him LE.50 over the time he worked which was 2 1/2 hours, which is still not fare from my point of view, just wait a little bit longer.
The owner of the EEM ordered the driver to leave and go to the Garage, Immediatly the driver jumped in the EEM and moved about 20 meters, 20 meters is not a short distance for such a huge machine and it was more than enough to come to another resolution. one of the negotiators picked up his phone and told the owner that he will wake up one of his friends to get him an EEM to unload the steel
and now for the moment of truth they will pay him the whole 4 1/2 hours + LE.100 for the unloading and the owner agrees for a total of 410
let's look at another point of view from the first moment of the problem, he wants more, then he shall receive nothing, let him go to his garage and he will not receive any money for any work he has done and call another EEM which, I was recommending such solutions in the beginning but after what I saw no the first way is much better
Now, the problem is that they are both greedy, one wants to pay less while the other wants to earn more. the beauty is in the way it started, one proposed the maximum while the other proposed the minimum and as you sure noticed they both gave up LE.200 and came to a settlement and in fact this number is the fair number for a naive guy like me would say in first place but if I said so, he would not agree and I would go up for an unfair number for me and more earnings for him.
what happened that night was the pure experience and it is one of the things that can not be taught, just noticed and hope that the next time you would be able to do the same and come out with the best possible solution where you have no time to thing or consider alternatives, because every moment would be a loss for you
I hope I have transfered what I did learn to you and I really hope you benefit from it.
Of course I welcome any comments
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Re: Time to Grow Up.
I was reading a blog called Living in Egypt, The writer of the blog is a Canadian Lady living in Egypt blogging about her life, opinions and experiences in the Egyptian community. I found an interesting post called Time to Grow Up, it was so... I do not know what to say about the post but the least I can say is it was disturbing, I found that the lady who is about 59 years old has just stopped worrying about what will she be when she grows up, she stopped worrying about the future and her targets and goals in life. And this is a total problem for me as I am only 24 and I can't stop thinking about the future.
I need to find my path before it is too late to take any actions, I need to claim this time where I am in full strength and bright mind and gather the most possible experiences of life that when I grow old I can make huge decisions without much effort because I won't have such effort (everybody grows old, weak and more fragile)
But the scary idea is to give life the driving wheel of your life, to be like a captain-less ship in the huge ocean of life and accept any shore life throws you on. And I do not want that fate, I want to make my own fate to carve my own steps to the place I want, but where do I want to go?
A friend once told me that this problem is the problem of all young people who are not following their parents lead, for example: one friend graduated as an engineer but he knows and totally accepting that this graduation was only a prestige to just be an engineer because his fate will lie in his fathers shop, another one who graduated as a doctor and he is already having a job in his father's hospital. It is the problem of people who do not have a plan to inherit, who do not have a pre-paved path of life to follow
And I guess that Mrs. Maryanne agrees with me that she did not have a paved path to follow it was life and fate that got her to this point of life and I also think that she is out of strength to make any action to even think of changing anything right now. She has entered the phase where people around her will benefit from her wisdom accumulated through all those years of hard work. She is entering the stage where she is getting ready for the upcoming responsibilities. and I guess that she will soon start worrying about other people.
Now, The Question is What shall I do?, How shall I know what to do?, and How can I gain command of my own life?
I know for sure that there is nothing easy even making a paper plane (If you do not remember the time you took to make your first plane try making this one) but there must be a way to find my own path, and I am determined on finding it.
Animals at rest.
Few steps away from the building there is a Masjed where last night I saw about 8 Dogs sleeping in its garden
Across the street there is an old green car with another dog sleeping on it and about 200 meters there was somthing like 3 dogs patrolling the area but the camera did not capture a good postable images of these dogs
I guess that the door step is the safest place for the cat to stay, espcially that it is too cute to be disturbed (unless you live in that appartment, which is totally a different story)
The only unpleasant incedentwhen I was getting out of the car and a dog suddenly ran frightened, of course I do not need to tell you what happened to me
I guess someone (except me) should do something about these animals -- I saw a mouse once too -- but until that someone takes an action I will be long gone from that place and found a better one
In another area I found this:
The guy eating in the image is a friend of mine that is why I pixlated his face
These cats are near a liver stand and those who are not from Egypt the liver stand is the alternative for hot-dog stands in the U.S. The workers in that stand keep the place ccleen and provide the cats with food. This place is a bus stop and it is an extremely active area with lots of people and cars moving 24/7 but there is always kindness and sweetness in the heart of chaos.
Monday, 20 October 2008
Ethics, Experience, Education, Books and Money
A long while ago a wise man told me that in my age I should be looking for experience and afterwards the money will come without any efforts exerted by me. But I found it is not as easy as it sounds, and I do not think that anybody that tried doing the same found that it is easy. you work for the money, right, how can you concentrate on something which is the sole purpose of getting out of the house. and I thought Experience comes along the way, and I also thought that it means that I do not have to go haunting for jobs with better payments but I never thought that I would be concentrating about how the job is done more than how to do the job in order to get paid.
Now this is what I want to concentrate on. How the job is being done correctly and effictivly so I can achieve the best results from the least possible effort. and as Ben Lawrey said to leverage my time and effort to I produce massive results from the least amounts of effort and time.
A while after the advice I looked at knowledge and I decided that I should read as much as I can so that I can fill the gap between me and my age from one side and the other side the experince of people who are already older than me. So I read a little bit about maketing and a smaller bit about NLP and Negotiations and a little bit of a lot of things else, but I found myself standing in a dead-end road, I can not continue because I can not apply what I am reading, although it all seems applyable. Then, after a while of frusturation, I came to a decision; I will wait for a year (I announced 6 months period to the puplic, ie:Mr. EKs) and then I will re-evaluate the situation, wether I can apply anything or still can not. But then another Idea hit me, That I will continue reading in order to use the Information from the books in a single situation that may or may not come in my whole life and I must not be willing to apply everything immediatly. And that was the best solution I can find. Until now, I guess.
May be I can look for NLP courses about specifying life targets and goals, communication, speed reading,... etc. Skills that will help me face life without giving up my core concepts of ethics and behaviour because this is a real problem that I would like to overcome. everybody seems to be saying that life is not what you are dealing with, you need to be cunning, you have to be shouting, people must feer you (I am 168cm and 53KG so nobody will feer me) and lots of other things that are simply against the way I want life to be, and I believe that I can change life or at least people who are close to me, people who are in direct contact with me. I will change them to be better to have a lot of good qualities that people these days do not even consider that they ever existed like keeping your time and promises and you would have only one word that people would take for granted
maybe they are right that this time and place are not the correct ones to do extra correct things but at least I will change myself in order to change the world afterwards and luckily I DO have an experiece to enforce this Idea in me. My friends and I used to get pizza and go to a garden to eat it a long with some drinks and stuff what used to happen is after eating everything is left on the ground. First I starting taking out the pizza box and the cola can with me to the nearest basket, even if it was not near, and after a while I starting taking their boxes too so out of shame they would take the boxes to the basket and now it seems like a normal action to take the boxes and whatever we brought to us and it seems very abnormal to leave anything on the ground.
What made me very happy is one of my friends told me that even when he goes out with his friends (not common friends) he tells them not to leave anything on the ground so it seems like a tree and you just need to start to be a role model for your friends and most importantly once you start there is no turning back they will watch evey movement, every paper that you will hold they will be watching to see where are you going to throw it
back to the main topic, suprisingly I found my brother taking the same concept, getting to work early is one of the wrong things that our parents tought us, it is something that is not suitable for this era. I just want to know who is right doing everything correctly or just doing whatever you do for whatever purpose as long as everything seems to be fine.
I am sure that I am on the right path but this path seems to be empty from anyone but me, or maybe it is too wide, too long, too rough, too hard to see anybody with me on this path, but until we meet I shall continue all the way until I am convinced that I am wrong, and belive me this is not an easy thing to do.
Monday, 29 September 2008
Honey with SODA flavour!!!
Dear Readers,
A couple of days ago I was at Almaza bus station and I found that some Bees where drinking from and empty CocaCola can someone left
Of course the bee is attracted to the sugar in the can, but I was thinking; shall we be expecting honey with cola flavour. May be you do not know there are a lot of flavours for honey according to the flower on which the bee feeds and of course that changes from one region to the other. There is honey that come from the mountains and that would be the most expensive honey that you can have but I am sure it is well worth it.
Imagine if someone just thought about taking a sip :)
I think the fuzzy drinks company would be happy if they say this and it may inpire them with the idea but let's think about this video in another way; Bees are createure that the scent of flowers to make honey and during this process they polinate other flowers and as a result we do not just get our honey we get all sorts of fruits and vegitables, now if bees can find the sugar in a can on the street, no much pollination will occur. of course you won't care much about bees in the city because who will grow hives in a city, but If reaced a farm that means, that they are cheeting. and this is not pure honey that we will buy from them.
anyway think about it and I would be glad to recieve your comments about this topic.
Saturday, 20 September 2008
Save Taskbar Space on Linux
The software I like ( and I do not think that there will ever be an alternative for this one on Windows ) is Kdocker, This simple program docks any window you are running into system tray.
Imagine you are using Real Player to stream music, Real Player is normally consuming some of your taskbar space, so Kdocker puts this Real Player into the system tray just as an icon, which can be hidden and as a result; this program will be safe from accedential closing and you will have your taskbar space without any comprimises.
All you have to do is install Kdocker, add a "non-KDE Application" to the panel, configure it to run Kdocker, and click the icon you have just created and click on the window you want to dock. It is that simple (^_^)
Another progarm that does the same job in a different manner is AllTray You change the way the program starts so it starts in the notification area sadly it does not have as much options as Kdocker.
Command to dock thunderbird
And there is another one that I do not use anymore which is the defualt KasBar panel provided by KDE, but since I do not need the panel everytime I need to dock an application I have to start this panel and close it after docking the application which is really time consuming
Using KasBar to dock Kcalc
The last one that I have not used yet is a command line program, it is called ksystraycmd. you can use it from the command line using this command:
ksystraycmd --window 'keyword'
These are all the programs I know that can do this job I will add any one I find as soon as I find it.
Friday, 19 September 2008
Hello Dear Readers,
This is the first post I write in this blog, so I will tell you a little about myself and what I intend to write in this blog, and Why I named the blog A kid facing the Real World?
Let's start with the last question, Why I named the Blog that way?
Simply because the beginning of the last year was my first contact with the real world, and I am starting to recount my age since then. so at the time of writing this post I am only 9 months :)
This blog is a general purpose blog. Mainly I intend to write the advices I get from people older than me either at work or in my personal life. These advices are unmatchable, they are a real treasure. But, I am sure that you will understand the problem between me and those advices as you read the posts.
Another thing I will write about is Linux, Computers, and a little bit of programming. I am really a big fan of Linux. And for who do not know what Linux is, Linux is an operating system Like Windows or Mac. You use it to operate your computer.
And I will also write about the Concerts I attend, I can not promise Images for two reasons.
- The 2 Mega Pixel camera of the Samsung X820 captures very bad images of the theaters due to high illumination of the theater.
- I prefere enjoying the show more than capturing images and videos of it.
And a little bit about everything else.
I hope you enjoy your stay and please do not hesitate about contacting me or commenting about what I write, any comments are highly appreciated.