Saturday, 20 September 2008

Save Taskbar Space on Linux

The software I like ( and I do not think that there will ever be an alternative for this one on Windows ) is Kdocker, This simple program docks any window you are running into system tray.

Imagine you are using Real Player to stream music, Real Player is normally consuming some of your taskbar space, so Kdocker puts this Real Player into the system tray just as an icon, which can be hidden and as a result; this program will be safe from accedential closing and you will have your taskbar space without any comprimises.

All you have to do is install Kdocker, add a "non-KDE Application" to the panel, configure it to run Kdocker, and click the icon you have just created and click on the window you want to dock. It is that simple (^_^)

Another progarm that does the same job in a different manner is AllTray You change the way the program starts so it starts in the notification area sadly it does not have as much options as Kdocker.

Command to dock thunderbird

And there is another one that I do not use anymore which is the defualt KasBar panel provided by KDE, but since I do not need the panel everytime I need to dock an application I have to start this panel and close it after docking the application which is really time consuming

Using KasBar to dock Kcalc

The last one that I have not used yet is a command line program, it is called ksystraycmd. you can use it from the command line using this command:  

ksystraycmd --window 'keyword'

These are all the programs I know that can do this job I will add any one I find as soon as I find it.

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