Tuesday 9 October 2012

#Google #Navigator in #Egypt, #Cairo (#cairotraffic)

I have an android phone for more than a year now and I just learned that the navigation feature just been enabled, so I gave it a try specially that I am not from cairo and I had to go between two places outside of Nasr City, Heliopolis and New Cairo (The places I used to work in).

First when I was entering Cairo from Cairo-Suez Highway I stopped before the Ring Road and started the google navigation application and chose my destination. One option was to take Salah Salem from its beginning to its end and the other was to take the Ring Road and take Salah Salem at some point later, I liked the Idea and took the ring road.

Everything was fine, I fueled the car and took the ring road and the navigator kept me telling me instructions to stay on the ring road (which is nice by the way)

until it told me to take a hard right, I used my signals and took the right lane to find out that the designated right turn is illegal. DUM DUM DUM DUUUUM

I parked after the turn and waited for the phone to reroute and it did showing my a much longer in-cairo road so I did not follow the instructions and took the first ramp down, took the first U-Turn, the first ramp up and the first ramp down to Salah Salem

The navigator rerouted again and took me safely to my destination, That  wasn't so bad.

Now to my second destination, it was around 11:30 am by the way.
after setting google's navigator I found in the route this turn
although I did go straight but I still can not figure out how did they find that this turn is logical, and stunningly I found some real drivers doing it. :)

After a while I found that I should enter el Sheikh Rehan street but it was blocked with large rocks that I only saw on the Internet

The last is somewhere I have never been to but this is a really big plus for the navigator that when I saw whatever I saw I just said Allah, WOW, where am I?, how can I come here again? but I got confused after a while.
First I did not like the turn and I found out that there is another road which is wide and straight enough to be appealing, but I got lost at the round about, and I did not know which exit to take and the original turn I was supposed to take, and the navigator was telling me to follow the route and was not rerouting so I parked, restarted the application and used the appealing road, I reached my destination eventually.

The bottom line, using the navigator is nice, but you should never take the instructions for granted. its sometimes stupid.

If you have a little knowledge of the place you are visiting then the navigator should be your best friend.

PS: I asked a constable about the directions and he told me to go in the absolute opposite direction, I told him: "Are you sure it's this way" and he replied positively

PPS: The images are from google maps website not the phone.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Nice movies.... what do they mean?!!!

A while ago I watched the movie Paul and I found that the movie is openly promoting an anti-God idea. starting from the appearance of the girl "Ruth Buggs" and the little chat about her shirt which has a drawing of Jesus "PBUB" shooting Darwin. after that the movie makes a real effort in convincing you that there is NO God and we and everything around us is a result of the evolution.

Another movie that shares the idea but is more discreet about it is Avatar. the movie is promoting the idea that we all are the result of nature, and nature is a supreme being with ability to give life and take and even defend itself. but in this movie you are slowly dragged, pushed and stumbled upon this idea and in the end it DID make a complete transfer of the soul from one body to another.

These may seem like normal movies but I believe that has something to do with secular materialism and promoting this idea both descreetly and openly. the most upfront and most daring encounter in our Egyptian culture  is what the mainstream media raised about the prime-minster Kandeel and the President Morsi  when the media found out that they actually pray for Allah including the Dawn Prayer. How Come the president and Prime Minsiter do such things? actually I wish I start doing such things....

Just a final tip, beware of what you watch, because you will never know what they are intending specially in a commuinty where no one reads and the main source of culture and information is the mainstream media. either in Egypt or outside it.

Friday 18 November 2011

My MUST HAVE Android applications list

andro explorer
I mainly use this application for removing newly installed applications, as it can sort applications by date. it also can browse local networks.
One of the features that shows me as a geek that I can extract the .apk files  downloaded by the android market

tweet deck
This is the official application for twitter and you can never taste the real twitter without this application.
this application is based on columns each column can be specified for something; someone you follow, a list, a search result. you can easily look into tweeps details and see their previous tweets. Well, it is my best twitter app

droid wallet
If you always wonder where did your money go, then this application is for you.
the ting that sets this application apart is the fast data entry and the extreme ease of use.

barcode scanner
This is a must have application for android, and I guess that you have one already

memo (Preinstalled on some phones)
Just something to write anything quickly, but do not forget to tab save :(

This is a nice application if you are using Windows Terminal Server or Windows Remote Desktop. just add the server name and your username and password and you are using your computer

alarm clock xtreme free
A MUST have for heavy headed guys, just like me. it is not only an alarm it is an annoying alarm
simply, you set the alarm, set the snooze method, is it by shaking the phone or solving a math problem or just by tabbing a button on the screen.
if you choose shaking the phone, for how long do you want to shake it?
if you choose solving a math problem, , how many math problems do you want to solve and what is the level of difficulty and after you are done with the snooze button, you have to configure the dismiss button as well.

Android Agenda Widget
This is a paid application that I downloaded freely from the Gold applications section of getjar.com
simply the best widget for you calendar

Andro zip
If you recieve an Email with a zip file attached you will need an application to unzip that file

a nice application to access your windows shares, I haven't looked into linux shares (I still can not use linux shares as I am the only one using linux on the network)

Opera Mobile
I love using opera anywhere, if there is an opera application for driving my car I would use it -- no further comments needed

Opera mini
I would keep an apk file for use when I am using GPRS or 3G, High compression which saves my money and data plans

Unite Converter lite
Ever want to convert a meter to inches or KGs to Lbs this is the app you need.

Monday 10 October 2011

قصيدة: وانا اللي هيعزيني مين!

وانا اللي هيعزيني مين
بقلم مريم هاشم  

كان فيه كنيسة فمدرستنا .... بيروحوها كل اتنين

و احنا بنكمل حصتنا .... فالفصل مع استاذ حسين

ليه بيروحو و يسيبونا ... احنا ما كناش فاهمين

بعد كده عرّفونا ..ان دى اسمها حصة دين

وزعوا الكتب علينا ... كانو كتابين مختلفين

رُحت سألت صاحبة ليا ... انتو يعنى بتاخدو ايه؟
و عشان عارفة ان انا فضولية ... راحت قايلة عاللى فيه

قالتلى ربنا شايفنا .... لازم نصلى و لازم نصوم

و نراعى ضميرنا فحياتنا ... و نشارك بعض فالهموم

و الكذب و السرقة حرام .. . و النفاق مالوش لزوم

و نعامل بالحب اخواتنا ... و نشكر ربنا كل يوم

و نعمل دايما لآخرتنا ... اصل الدنيا دى مش هتدوم

روحت سألت امى عنها ..ينفع احب صاحبتى ؟؟

اصل دينى مش زى دينها ... هاعمل ايه فى محبتى

راحت قايلة و الضحكة فى عينها ... اسمعى كلامى يا قطتى

كلنا بنعبد ربنا
و هو أكيد بيحبنا
بس مش هيرضى عنّا
الا اما نحب بعضنا

بعد كدة دخلت الكلية .. و اتصاحبت على كارولين

من كتر الشبه اللى بينا ...كانو فاكرِنّا توأمتين

و لولا انى لابسة حجاب .... كان الشك بقى يقين

انا باعزيكى يا كارولين

اللى ماتو دول غاليين

بس فيه عندى سؤال

انا اللى هيعزينى مين؟؟

دول اصحابى طول حياتى ..حبى ليهم مش مزيّف
مش هتغير معتقداتى مهما تحاول مش هتعرف

ربنا قاللى فالقرآن ...دول اكتر الناس مودة

و كل ما زاد الايمان .... كل ما بتزيد الوِحدة

مع بعضنا من زمان .. افراحنا و احزانّا واحدة

طول عمرنا عايشين فى امان ..و البلد دى علينا شاهدة

اللى عمل كدة مش انسان .. ده جواه حريقة آيدة

بس بردو مهما كان ... اللى عمله ماجابش فايدة

طلعنا من كل الاحزان .. . أقوى و محبتنا زايدة

حتى رسولى وصّانى عليهم ... و قاللى استوصى بيهم خير

و لما جاتله ماريّا منهم . .. فِرح بيها فَرح كبير

و قال عليهم وعلى جنودهم ..أجمد ناس و السر خطيير

و هو رباطهم و محبتهم ... لحد النَفَس الأخير

مش هيقدرو يفرقونا ...مهما عملو ومهما سووا

اصلهم لو يعرفونا .... كانو سكتو كانو يئسوا

همّا عرفو ا يفوقونا ... بس يغيرونا ينسوا

مصرنا هتفضل سفينة ... قلوب ركابها مش هيئسوا

و عمر ما أى حد فينا ...هيبيع الحب اللى حاسه
مريم هاشم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

ولتجدن اقربهم مودة للذين آمنوا الذين قالوا إنا نصاري

صدق الله العطيم

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم :
" ستفتح عليكم يعدى مصر فاستوصوا بقبطها خيرا فإن لكم منهم ذمة ورحمة "
صدق رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
رواه مسلم

ملحوظة: تم نقلها كما هي بدون ادنى تعديل

Fix Crashing #KDE in #Linux

Dear Linux Users,

Yesterday I was trying to make KDE look more appealing but it crashed. of course if this happened to windows the standard procedure would be to reinstall windows and spend a couple of hours reinstalling your productivity software but with linux it is totally different.
you can use this method can be used with any distro with a broken Desktop Enviroment

1. Press Ctrl + Alt +F6
this will start a new command prompt session where you will be prompted to enter your user name and password
2. install another Desktop Enviroment
There is a lot of Enviroments in linux ranging from very basic and super light like blackbox to eye candy like Enlightenment and Full Performance like KDE and Gnome... Here I will install Xfce
# urpmi xfce4
Note: if you are using another Distro other than mandriva then use the distro's package manager
3. Kill the running KDE Session
# killall kdm
4. Press Ctrl + Alt + F7 or Ctrl + Alt + F8
That will return you back to your Destop enviroment
5. Click on "Session Type" at the bottom of the login screen
Note: If you can not find the "Session Type" then go to the end of this tutorial
6. Choose Xfce4 from the drop down menu

7. Enter your username and password

8. Now reset all what you have done that caused the crash of KDE

9. Log off and click on "Session Type" at the bottom of the login screen

10. Choose KDE

Now KDE should be running properly if not then start Xfce again and see what have you done wrong

NOTE: This section is for Mandriva Only:
If you can not find "Session Type" in the Mandriva login screen then Press Ctrl + Alt + F6 and type:
# mcc
Follow the instructions on the screen to create a new user and log with that user
Start $ systemsettings and change the login screen
you should find the "Session Type" in the login screen

I hope this brief tutorial would help someone someday

Wednesday 5 October 2011

How to:Mass Update your Contacts' mobile network codes

I have been thinking for a while about a swift way to mass edit my phonebook so I wouldn't have to edit my contacts one by one.

I read that the mobile networks will have to automatically redirect my calls to the new numbers for at least 4 months after that I am on my own. But I don't think I will need 4 days for this matter.

First here is the mobile network new codes: 

Right now I am using linux and the only application I will use is an advanced text editor called kwrite but since 99.999% of the people who will be using this method are windows users then I will sadly use windows for this tutorial.

  • Export your contacts as a ONE file Vcard "*.vcf"
  • Advanced Text Editor: I will use wordpad -- looks fancy :) (DO NOT USE Microsoft Word)
  • An average knowledge of text editors use.
The Method:
1. From your phone Export your contacts as a VCard .vcf file. 
NOTE:On my Android phone I can export all my contacts as a one vcard file, some other phone can only export one contact per file which will take a lot of time to edit so we need to merge all those files into one file only. To Merge all your files Check the file Merge section at the end of the tutorial.
2. Click on "Start" the type "wordpad"
3. Click on the drop down menu at the top of the word pad and then select "Open"

3.  Select "All documents" from the drop down list beside the address box then browse to your .vcf contacts file then click "Open"

4. Click "Replace" in the top menu bar

5. In the "Find what" text box type the old network code number after a colon
    In the "Replace with" text box type the new network code number after a colon
    Click on "Replace All"

6. Repeat the previous step for the other network numbers as shown in the table in the beginning of this page.

7. After finishing all the networks click on the drop down menu and point on "Save As" then click on "Plain text document"

8. Change the "File name" in the text box and click "Save"

9. Delete all your contacts from your phone and import the new contacts file to it.

10. If anything goes wrong you can always delete your contacts and import your original file back to your phone

Warning: I did NOT try this method yet. I will try it on 6/10/2011

 File Merge from Creative World 9 Blog
    • 1. First Copy all your vcf files into one Folder/directory.
    • 2. Open Windows command prompt (Windows + R),and then type “CMD” to open command prompt and navigate to the destination folder where all your contact files are stored (you can type CD YOUR PATH command to reach to your destination).
      Ex: you have copied your vcf files in folder named “singlevcf” then in command prompt type in “E” drive
      cd singlevcf 
    • 3. Enter the following DOS command: copy *.vcf all.vcf 

That will be all, Please refer to my blog if you find it useful.

Update:  I found an Android application for the same purpose, although I will use my own method :)

Monday 12 September 2011

Playing Terminal Velocity

One of the things that I really hate about Windows 7 is the lack of fullscreen support of the DOS applications.

I have been around computers since I was a little boy, and I still love the games I used to play then like: Prince of Persia 1 & 2, Sky Roads, Lomax, Death Rally and River Raid. and some games that I would love to play but being introduced to much smoother game perfomances I find playing such games is a bit confusing and annoying like per-historical 2 and a game about vikings. I love a classic typing applications called Typing Tutor which is not working anymore because of the 2000 problem (It can not react to current dates becuase the last year it could handle is 1999)
Terminal Velocity 

So, after installing Windows 7 due to problems with my USB Modem I found out that I can not run such applications any more but today I remembered a game called "Terminal Velocity" and I was determined to play it even if I have to remove Windows 7. so I searched the internet and for ways to run full screen 16-bit DOS applications and the answer was simple, all you have to do is to disable your Display Adapter. And I disabled it.

I installed "Terminal Velocity" and ran the game, I played the first mission and enjoyed it so much. even though the display was not good by any means and there was Lagging but I found those minutes I spent playing this game are very enjoyable, I didn't enjoy playing a flight simulator since Freespace 2

The thing that reminded me of this game is the part where you fly in tunnels and those tunnels are full of traps, although this is not realistic it can not be found in any game I have played recently.
Freespace 2

Prince of Persia 2
Prince of Persia 

Death Rally 
Those are some images from the old games that I like and they are still on my Computer, contact me if you want any of them.